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General Overview & Strategy

"Soccer Lightweight 2024" is an autonomous robot competition featuring 2 vs 2 soccer playoffs. The Soccer LighWeight team merged our knowledge in robotics and their passion for sports to design a robot that plays soccer with agility and precision.

The strategy for the Soccer Lightweight competition was a blend of offensive and defensive tactics, realized with programming techniques and meticulous strategic planning. Core aspects of this strategy include:

Key Elements of the Strategy

Role Assignment

Each robot is assigned a specific role, such as a striker or a goalkeeper. This specialization allows for focused development of skills and tactics suitable for each position.

Real-Time Vision Processing

Using the Pixy2 camera, the robots can identify and track the ball and goals in real-time.

Holonomic Movement

Implemented through kinematic equations, this allows the robots to move smoothly and rapidly in any direction.

Line Detection

Utilizing phototransistors and IR sensors, the robots can detect field boundaries, ensuring they stay within the playing area and avoid penalties.

Tools and Technologies

The main tools and software used in the development of the Soccer Lightweight robot include:

  • Arduino: Used for programming the microcontroller that controls the robot's actions.
  • Visual Studio Code: The primary integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and debugging code.
  • Pixy Moon IDE: Utilized for the calibration and detection of color blobs through the camera, essential for the robot's vision system.


The Soccer Lightweight robot exemplifies robotics through its integration of advanced motion algorithms and sensory systems. Designed for optimum performance on the soccer field, this robot utilizes real-time vision and sensory integration to accurately identify the ball and goals, enhancing its competitiveness. The engineering prioritizes agility within strict weight constraints, enabling the robot to execute complex maneuvers and strategies effectively during matches.

Algorithm of Attacking and Defending Robot
