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Motion Control: Holonomic Movement

Kinematic Model

The kinematic model was crucial for accurately calculating the speed of each motor, ensuring precise movement in the desired direction. The key principles applied include:

  • Motor Speed Calculation: The speed of each motor was determined using kinematic equations based on the desired movement angle.
  • Consistent Orientation: : Orientation data from sensors was used to correct the robot's movement, ensuring it always faced the goal.

Sensors and PID Controller

We employed BNO-055 and MPU sensors to capture the robot's current orientation. A simplified PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller was implemented to correct any deviations from the desired orientation. This controller minimized the error between the current orientation and the target direction, facilitating smooth and accurate movement.


Here’s the core code that shows the kinematic equations and the corrections implemented using the PID controller:

double PID::calculateError(int angle, int set_point) {
    unsigned long time = millis();
    double delta_time = (time - previous_time) / 1000.0;

    control_error = set_point - angle;
    double delta_error = (control_error - previous_error) / delta_time;
    sum_error += control_error * delta_time;

    sum_error = (sum_error > max_error) ? max_error : (sum_error < -max_error) ? -max_error : sum_error;

    double control = (kP * control_error) + (kI * sum_error) + (kD * delta_error);

    previous_error = control_error;
    previous_time = time;

    return control;

void Drive::linealMovementError(int degree, int speed, int error) {
  float m1 = sin(((60 - degree) * PI / 180));
  float m2 = sin(((180 - degree) * PI / 180));
  float m3 = sin(((300 - degree) * PI / 180)); 

  int speedA = (m1 * speed);
  int speedB = (m2 * speed);
  int speedC = (m3 * speed);

  speedA -= error;
  speedB -= error;
  speedC -= error; 



The calculateError function computes the control signal using the PID algorithm, considering the discrepancy between the desired and current orientation.


The linealMovementError function calculates the speed for each motor based on the desired movement direction and applies corrections using the error from the PID controller.