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Developments from 2022-2023

Electronics and Control

Designed and manufactured a PCB for handling the SCARA robot's motors and arm.


Integrated the Xarm5 robot arm with the Dashgo B1 mobile base, as well as developed a custom gripper and electronics protections.

Human Robot Interaction

Speech Recognition

Developed a ROS node for speech recognition using Azure's Speech Service.

Action Interpretation

Developed a ROS node for action interpretation using custom embeddings and a GPT-3 model.

Integration and Networks


Developed the main engines for the competition tasks, including General Purpose Service Robot, Receptionist and Carry my Luggage.


Integrated a Jetson AGX Xavier as the robot's main computer as well as a Jetson Nano for the mobile base.


Integrated the on-robot computers, Xarm and base within a wired network, as well as a wireless router for full internet access and for external computing resources.

Computer Vision

Pose Estimation

Developed a pose estimation ROS node, mainly used for detecting simple actions.

Object Detection

Switched to YOLOv5 for object detection and developed a method for fast and semi authomatic dataset generation.

Human Analysis

Used DeepFace for face recognition and analysis as well as object detection models for clothing description.