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The wheels were 3D printed with TPU to provide flexibility, very useful when passing speed bumps, and presented multiple iterations until their final version achieving good friction with the track through the use of plastic bracelets, and a reliable attachment to the motor shaft.

The plastic bracelets went off in the middle of one of the competition rounds :c

If using an extra part to improve grip with the floor make sure it is well attached.

TPU wheels work “well” but not as expected, there are many other wheels that can also work well. If wanted to use this material it would take a lot more research and a lot of testing to see the right amount of flexibility in the wheels, keep in mind that as the weight of the robot changes so does the behavior, try to estimate the weight of the robot and do your testing with that.

Never tested, but a silicone cover made to size with a mold could work for the problem of grip with the floor.

Big wheels are useful when passing stairs and speed bumps but are tricky to avoid climbing walls or overturning.
